Begin unlocking the words of the Quran and Sunnah with our popular eBooks. By focussing on the most commonly used words you can accelerate your understanding faster than you ever imagined.
Unlocking the Words of the Quran:
Learn the meaning of the top 300 words in the Quran that account for over 70% of all the words.
The book is clearly organized and beautifully designed. Each word is presented with its meaning and an example of it being used in a Quranic verse.
The book is clearly organized and beautifully designed. Each word is presented with its meaning and an example of it being used in a Quranic verse.
Unlock the Words of the Sunnah Book:
Learn the meaning of the top 300 words from the two most authentic books of the Sunnah; Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.
Learn the words in the context they are used. Each word comes with a beautiful hadith example.
Top 100 Verbs In The Quran’ eBook
The eBook will help you learn the different forms of each verb and how it changes based on tense, person, gender, number, mood and voice.
20 Most Commonly Used Words in the Quran
Get Your FREE eBook of the 20 Most Commonly Used Words in the Quran & Learn What These Words Mean…