The word wa’d means “promise”. The Quran mentions two types of promises. The one made by Allah and one made by other than Allah.
Quranic Word Series: Bahr
The ocean is one of the most amazing creations of Allah ﷻ. It is also one of the instruments Allah uses as a blessing for some, a punishment for some, and a test for others.
The Quranic Word Series: Haqq
One of Allah’s beautiful names is Al-Haqq. This is because Allah SWT is the ultimate source of truth and everything.
The Quranic Word Series: Akthar
The word akthar is used in the Quran to refer to the status or condition of the people. It is used primarily to describe people who have turned away from Allah’s guidance.
The Quranic Word Series: Dhikr
Dhikr is often used to describe daily supplications, but dhikr in a sense is more encompassing than this.
The Quranic Word Series: ‘Ilm
In Islam, seeking knowledge is compulsory upon the believer. No other religion or ideological thought emphasises seeking knowledge as an obligatory deed as Islam does.
The Quranic Word Series: Noor
The word noor means light and illumination. It is one of the attributes of Allah subhaanahu wa ta’ala as He is the light and the only source of light.
The Quranic Word Series: Sabr
Sabr is commonly understood to mean patience but it is more than that. Sabr also contains the meaning of perseverance. Patience and perseverance are both needed for the heart to attain what it desires.
The Quranic Word Series: Rasool
A Rasool (messenger) is someone who is sent to deliver a message, or risaalah ( رِسَالَة ). A messenger has to be someone trustworthy as he will represent the person who appointed him to bring the message to wherever he is sent.
The Quranic Word Series: Qalb
The word qalb means heart in both a physical and spiritual sense. We need to protect it and keep it safe from arrogance and spiritual diseases of the heart.
The Quranic Word Series: Jazaa’
Jazaa’ means reward as in a fair return for good or bad behaviour. It shows the fairness, mercy and justice of Allaah.
The Quranic Word Series: Maa’
Maa’ is one of the greatest blessings we have been given that we often take for granted. It is one of the most vital creations of Allah and has been in existence before the creation of heaven, earth, and human beings.